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Setting The Stage



To ensure that all voices are heard during this process we ask that all participants are active listeners and ask probing questions.  Our goal is to put a plan in place that will result in making our schools the best in the country.  To keep us focused on our work, we will use THIS AGENDA.  The committee engaged in three activities which allowed the group to zero in on:

  • How the community believes children learn best

  • What challenges the district will face over the next five years

  • Begin to craft a revised mission and belief statement for the district



Almost everyone knows the importance of vision for an organization. The problem is most organizations don’t properly articulate a vision. “Unity,” “growth,” or “a brighter future” are not visions. Nor is some standardized test target to be delivered by the year 2020. The latter is a goal, the former is nothing more than abstract pabulum. Nice words, for sure, but it is not vision and it will not inspire action. A true vision paints a clear picture of what the world could look like if everything goes perfectly. It is an ideal. And for it to inspire people to act, that vision has to describe a world that would benefit an outside population. It is not simply a reflection of a school's aspirations (“to be the biggest,” “the best” or “the most respected,” for example).


​Throughout the first meeting Dr. Palzet led the committee through a series of activities and used a Keynote slide deck to present information to the committee.  You can view this presentation by CLICKING HERE.  Additionally, you can see a picture of our work including some of the work produced by the committee by CLICKING HERE.




To fully understand our district we have added some fast facts about Pleasantdale SD 107.




Jill Beronio (Teacher)

Erin Berwick (Teacher)

William Brade (Teacher)

Jeff Branch (Parent)

Jon Buralli (Parent)

Mohan Chaganti (Parent)

Elizabeth Coglianese-Burke (Parent)

Erin Collins (Parent)

Sylvia Correa (Parent)

Julie Crist (Teacher)

Alissa Danaher (Parent)

Todd Davis (Parent)

Patel Deviyani (Parent)

Shaalu Devnani (Parent)

Dana Dillon (Parent)

Julia Doyle (Parent)

David Duerr (Parent)

James D. (Student)

Amy DuVall (Teacher)

Jenny Ebeid (Parent)

Yvonne Enselman (Parent)

Ruthanne Focht (Parent)

Heidi Hanner (Parent)

Tom Hawbecker (Parent)

Katy Hinsdale (Parent)

Mandy Johnson (Parent)

Gurpreet Juneja (Parent)

Nikki Leonard (Parent)

Lucy Leone-Arroyo (Teacher)

Kay Lewellyan (Teacher)

Karyn Lisowski (Community Member)

Kristyn L. (Community Member)

Stephanie Macek (Teacher)

Andrea Mars (Teacher)

Alex Mason (Parent)

John McAtee (Staff Member)

Kristin McFadden (Teacher)

Anabel McFarlin (Parent)

Joe Mekhail (Parent)

Joe M. (Student)

Kathryn Moore (Parent)

Beatrice Narh (Parent)

Michael O'Heron (Parent)

Erin Oskroba (Teacher)

Kim Payne (Parent)

Tara P. (Student)

Tammy Petrovich (Parent)

Nickole Ragsdale (Parent)

Thomas Raschka (Parent)

Peg Riordan (Teacher)

Mary Rockrohr (Parent)

Andrea Sarno (Parent)

Gina Scaletta-Nelson (Board Member)

Christy Schwartz (Parent)

Phillip Slightom (Parent)

Linda Steeb (Parent)

Kristen Stojetz (Parent)

Sunil Suri (Parent)

Barbara Triggs (Teacher)

Kristin Violante (Board Member)

Meg Vorpahl (Parent)

Danuta Zygula Krawczyk (Parent)

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